About the Cookbook

So you might be aware that I am, in fact, returning to Provo. This is not an unexpected event, however, the circumstances are somewhat unprecedented. You see, last year, I took full advantage of BYU's Dining Plus meal plan, and didn't cook a single thing (unless you count a pot of mac'n'cheese, which I don't really count, honestly).  This year, alas, the meal plan is gone and I actually have to cook. What gives, right? Now this isn't really true ... I really do like cooking. A lot. But there's this little problem: I am flying to school. Yes, that's right. FLYING. Which means all those delicious recipes that I've grown up with are not going to fit into my suitcase with all my clothes, shoes, underpants, purses, clocks, etc. It just won't fly. (And yes, that was a totally accidental pun. I love my life.)

[For all of your knowledge, just after typing the previous, the infamous German Pancake Incident Occurred. I will now carry on with my About the Cookbook penseés.]

You might be wondering, why not just a Word document, or a Google document? Well, there are a few reasons. First of all, I think this is much more fun. Secondly, by not doing a Word document, I'm saving memory on my computer. Thirdly, it is easier to find a recipe that's a blog post than to try to make a Word document with a hundred recipes, or a bunch of individual Word documents (ugh, heaven forbid!). Yes, there are some drawbacks--needing internet, having to take my computer to the kitchen, etc. But really, those don't bother me so much. I consider myself fairly kitchen-savvy, so this will be fun. And if it's the worst idea I've ever had, I'll just go print them all out once I get to Provo. Sound good? Methinks yes. :)